三好 教代Noriyo Miyoshi
- -陶歴-
- 1972年
- 愛媛県八幡浜市に生まれる
- 2009年
- 第7期砥部焼陶芸塾 卒業
- 2009年
- 千山窯に入社
- 現在に至る
After experiencing ceramics as a hobby in Yawatahama, Ehime, I wanted to study ceramics in earnest, so I joined Tobeyaki Tougei-juku (Tobe Ceramic School).
At the school, I learned the basics of ceramic art under the guidance of Shoji Kudo, Yoshito Sakai, Yasuhiko Shirakata, and other traditional craftsmen.
I then joined Senzan Kiln, where I have worked for more than ten years as a painter.
I have been a member of Touwakai (group of young potters in Tobe) since 2008.
I would like to explore the pleasure of painting and the joy of making things with my hands.
With this group of six people, which began with a study session with British potter Tom Kemp, I hope to make new discoveries and new challenges that I cannot accomplish alone.