加藤雅巳Masami Kato
- -陶歴-
- 1982年
- 愛媛県松山市に生まれる
- 2005年
- St. Cloud State Unversity 美術科卒業
- 2007年
- 第5期砥部焼陶芸塾 修了
- 2007年
- 千山窯 入社
- 2016年
- 器工房 巳 開窯
I create ceramic works based on the theme of "Life Tools + More" in the hope that they can be the tools that knock and stimulate your various emotions such as comfortableness, pleasure, and/or excitement.
Tableware is indispensable to our everyday life. That’s why I want you to use it that you can use with attachment, and I’m aiming for such tableware.
We are the group of six people with different styles and specialties. As comrades and sometimes as rivals, we stimulate each other to create special works. Even with the same motif,they can be very different with each approach. I hope you will enjoy the expression of six individuals.